PVP or PKP for Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures
Treatment of Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures.
Both PVP and PKP can definitely relieve the pain symptoms of patients. The pain relief rate of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures exceeds 90%, and the pain relief rate of tumorous vertebral body lesions is between 75%-90%.
The operation of PVP is relatively simple, the operation time is short, no balloon expansion operation is required, the X-ray exposure time of the operator and the patient is shorter, and the incidence of puncture-related complications are relatively low, but the bone cement needs to be injected into the vertebral body under high pressure conditions, thus leading to a higher incidence of bone cement leakage.
PKP uses the balloon expansion in the vertebral body to create a cavity. Under low pressure, high viscosity bone cement is injected into the vertebral cavity. The incidence of bone cement leakage is significantly reduced and its safety, compared with PVP, is greatly improved, especially for cases of incomplete vertebral wall damage.
PKP is more expensive than PVP. In appropriate cases, it is recommended to perform PVP in consideration of its safety, effectiveness and economy. But for patients with incomplete vertebral wall damage and obvious kyphotic deformity, PKP method is required to restore the vertebral curvature and avoid bone cement leakage.
#PVP #PKP #Back Pain Release #Bone Cement #Orthopedic Implants